Immediately following your procedure, the tattooed area will appear to be darker and bolder in color, more sharply defined or even have a more filled in appearance. This can last up to a week after the treatment while the initial healing process takes place. The treated area may feel a bit like sunburn afterwards but there should be minimal discomfort and minimal redness.
During the healing period, there may be scabbing, flaking or peeling of the skin. If that happens, do not pick at it! Allow the scab or dry skin to come off on its own. This is very important! If scabs come off prematurely, the pigment will come out with it! It is totally normal for the skin to flake and peel, this is not your Semi-Permanent Makeup coming off its just a light scab.
The complete healing process takes about 4-6 weeks, at which time the true color of the semi permanent makeup is evident. During this process, your tattoo will soften and lighten. Be patient, even if you think too much color has been lost, as your skin is still regenerating and naturally exfoliating.